Temperature Campania
Scrivere un programma che lette da in-put le temperature inerenti alle 5 città della regione Campania restituisce a video:
- La temperatura della città solo se è minore di 0 oppure maggiore di 25.
- La media delle temperature.
- Si utilizzi per la stesura del programma il costrutto enum
#include <stdio.h> //library
#include <stdlib.h> //library
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { //start body
enum citta //Enum of city
napoli=1, //fist name
avellino, //second name
benevento, //third name
salerno, //fourth name
caserta //fifth name
int menu_1, menu_2, menu_3, a=0, b=0, c=0, d=0, e=0; //variables declaration
float np=0, av=0, bn=0, sa=0, ce=0; //variables declaration
float media; //variables declaration
do { //if the choise isn't in the range
system("cls"); //clear all previous text
printf("1. Campania\n"); //text on video
printf("2. Conferma\n"); //text on video
printf("3. Esci\n"); //text on video
printf("Inserire una preferenza: "); //text on video
scanf("%d", &menu_1); //input of first menu
switch (menu_1) //switch first menu
case 1: //case 1 first menu menu
do{ //if the case is come back
system("cls"); //clear all previous text
printf("1. Napoli"); //text on a video
if (a==1) //if the temeprature of Napoli has already been entered
printf("\t[%.2f C]\n", np); //text on video
else //if the temperautre of Napoli has not already been entered
printf("\t[Da inserire]\n"); //text on video
printf("2. Avellino"); //text on video
if (b==1) //if the temeprature of Napoli has already been entered
printf("\t[%.2f C]\n", av); //text on video
else //if the temperautre of Napoli has not already been entered
printf("\t[Da inserire]\n"); //text on video
printf("3. Benevento"); //text on video
if (c==1) //if the temeprature of Napoli has already been entered
printf("\t[%.2f C]\n", bn); //text on video
else //if the temperautre of Napoli has not already been entered
printf("\t[Da inserire]\n"); //text on video
printf("4. Salerno"); //text on video
if (d==1) //if the temeprature of Napoli has already been entered
printf("\t[%.2f C]\n", sa); //text on video
else //if the temperautre of Napoli has not already been entered
printf("\t[Da inserire]\n"); //text on video
printf("5. Caserta"); //text on video
if (e==1) //if the temeprature of Napoli has already been entered
printf("\t[%.2f C]\n", ce); //text on video
else //if the temperautre of Napoli has not already been entered
printf("\t[Da inserire]\n"); //text on video
printf("6. Indietro\n"); //text on video
printf("Inserire una preferenza: "); //text on video
scanf("%d", &menu_2); //input value
switch (menu_2) //switch second menu
case napoli: //case 1 second menu
if(a==1) //if the value is already existing
do{ //if the choise isn't in the range
system("cls"); //clear all the previous text
printf("[!]Vuoi davvero reinserire la temperatura?\n"); //text on video
printf("1. yes\n"); //text on video
printf("2. no\n"); //text on video
scanf("%d", &menu_3); //input value
}while(menu_3!=1 && menu_3!=2); //if the choise isn't in the range
switch (menu_3) //switch third menu
case 1: //case 1 third menu
system("cls"); //clear all the previous text
printf("Citta' Napoli\n"); //text on video
printf("Inserire temperatura:"); //text on video
scanf("%f", &np); //input value
break; //out from case
case 2: //case 2 third menu
printf("TI POTEVI RISPARMIARE IL CLICK."); //text on video
break; //out from case
default: //case default third menu
break; //out from case
else //if the value is not already existing
system("cls"); //clear all the previous text
printf("Citta' Napoli\n"); //text on video
printf("Inserire temperatura: "); //text on video
scanf("%f", &np); //input value
break; //out from case
case avellino: //case 2 second menu
if(b==1) //if the value is already existing
do{ //if the choise isn't in the range
system("cls"); //clear all the previous text
printf("[!]Vuoi davvero reinserire la temperatura?\n"); //text on video
printf("1. yes\n"); //text on video
printf("2. no\n"); //text on video
scanf("%d", &menu_3); //input value
}while(menu_3!=1 && menu_3!=2); //if the choise isn't in the range
switch (menu_3) //switch third menu
case 1: //case 1 third menu
system("cls"); //clear all the previous text
printf("Citta' Avellino\n"); //text on video
printf("Inserire temperatura:"); //text on video
scanf("%f", &av); //input value
break; //out from case
case 2: //case 2 third menu
printf("TI POTEVI RISPARMIARE IL CLICK."); //text on video
break; //out from case
default: //case default third menu
break; //out from case
else //if the value is not already existing
system("cls"); //clear all the previous text
printf("Citta' Avellino\n"); //text on video
printf("Inserire temperatura: "); //text on video
scanf("%f", &av); //input value
case benevento: //case 3 second menu
if(c==1) //if the value is already existing
do{ //if the choise isn't in the range
system("cls"); //clear all the previous text
printf("[!]Vuoi davvero reinserire la temperatura?\n"); //text on video
printf("1. yes\n"); //text on video
printf("2. no\n"); //text on video
scanf("%d", &menu_3); //input value
}while(menu_3!=1 && menu_3!=2); //if the choise isn't in the range
switch (menu_3) //switch third menu
case 1: //case 1 third menu
system("cls"); //clear all the previous text
printf("Citta' Benevento\n"); //text on video
printf("Inserire temperatura:"); //text on video
scanf("%f", &bn); //input value
break; //out from case
case 2: //case 2 third menu
printf("TI POTEVI RISPARMIARE IL CLICK."); //text on video
break; //out from case
default: //case default third menu
break; //out from case
else //if the value is not already existing
system("cls"); //clear all the previous text
printf("Citta' Benevento\n"); //text on video
printf("Inserire temperatura: "); //text on video
scanf("%f", &bn); //input value
case salerno: //case 4 second menu
if(d==1) //if the value is already existing
do{ //if the choise isn't in the range
system("cls"); //clear all the previous text
printf("[!]Vuoi davvero reinserire la temperatura?\n"); //text on video
printf("1. yes\n"); //text on video
printf("2. no\n"); //text on video
scanf("%d", &menu_3); //input value
}while(menu_3!=1 && menu_3!=2); //if the choise isn't in the range
switch (menu_3) //switch third menu
case 1: //case 1 third menu
system("cls"); //clear all the previous text
printf("Citta' Salerno\n"); //text on video
printf("Inserire temperatura:"); //text on video
scanf("%f", &sa); //input value
break; //out from case
case 2: //case 2 third menu
printf("TI POTEVI RISPARMIARE IL CLICK."); //text on video
break; //out from case
default: //case default third menu
break; //out from case
else //if the value is not already existing
system("cls"); //clear all the previous text
printf("Citta' Salerno\n"); //text on video
printf("Inserire temperatura: "); //text on video
scanf("%f", &sa); //input value
break; //out from case
case caserta: //case 5 second menu
if(e==1) //if the value is already existing
do{ //if the choise isn't in the range
system("cls"); //clear all the previous text
printf("[!]Vuoi davvero reinserire la temperatura?\n"); //text on video
printf("1. yes\n"); //text on video
printf("2. no\n"); //text on video
scanf("%d", &menu_3); //input value
}while(menu_3!=1 && menu_3!=2); //if the choise isn't in the range
switch (menu_3) //switch third menu
case 1: //case 1 third menu
system("cls"); //clear all the previous text
printf("Citta' Caserta\n"); //text on video
printf("Inserire temperatura:"); //text on video
scanf("%f", &ce); //input value
break; //out from case
case 2: //case 2 third menu
printf("TI POTEVI RISPARMIARE IL CLICK."); //text on video
break; //out from case
default: //case default third menu
break; //out from case
else //if the value is not already existing
system("cls"); //clear all the previous text
printf("Citta' Caserta\n"); //text on video
printf("Inserire temperatura: "); //text on video
scanf("%f", &ce); //input value
break; //out from case
case 6: //case 6 second menu
break; //out from case
default: //case default
system("cls"); //clear all the previous text
printf("Valore non valido"); //text on video
break; //out from case
}while(menu_2!=6); //if the case is come back
break; //out from case
case 2: //case 2 first menu menu
if (np<0 || np>25) //value included
printf("Napoli: \t%.2f", np); //text on video
if (av<0 || av>25) //value included
printf("\nAvellino: \t%.2f", av); //text on video
if (bn<0 || bn>25) //value included
printf("\nBenevento: \t%.2f", bn); //text on video
if (sa<0 || sa>25) //value included
printf("\nSalerno: \t%.2f", sa); //text on video
if (ce<0 || ce>25) //value included
printf("\nCaserta: \t%.2f", ce); //text on video
media=(np+av+bn+sa+ce)/5; //value calculation
printf("\nLa media e': \t%.2f\n", media); //text on video
break; //out from case
case 3: //case 3 first menu menu
exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); //close program
break; //out from case
default: //case default first menu menu
system("cls"); //clrea all the previous text
printf("Valore non valido"); //text on video
break; //out from case
}while(menu_1!=2); //if the choise isn't in the range
system("PAUSE"); //pause
return 0; //all OK!
} // end body